September 09, 2008

Original Original Recipe

KFC's original original recipe was moved today.

So important is the 68-year-old concoction that coats the chain's Original Recipe chicken that only two company executives at any time have access to it. The company refuses to release their name or title, and it uses multiple suppliers who produce and blend the ingredients but know only a part of the entire contents.

The spice mix comes in a packet to the restaurants - at one time it was very nondescript, and the cook just emptied the packet into a premeasured pit of flour, and there was your breading flour. I remember being dismayed that that was as close as I would ever get to the recipe when I worked there.

Larry Miller, a restaurant analyst with RBC Capital Markets, said the recipe's value is "almost an immeasurable thing. It's part of that important brand image that helps differentiate the KFC product."
I'd agree. Yummy stuff. Even if you had the recipe, it's not like you're going to be pressure frying chicken in the home anyway, though I've seen lots of replica recipes with funky things like tomato soup mix.


Posted by: hln at 07:28 AM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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August 02, 2007

Anatomy of a Tragedy played out by the American media.

Or, the best and worst of the human condition runs the gamut in a very short timeframe. Help me complete this if I'm missing anything.

Before the Facts Shock
  • This is the news rating period. There are no commercials during the television coverage.
  • You can tune in online with at least audio as it unfolds.
  • There's an intense - almost macabre - interest in learning about the event.
  • Because it's too early to know facts, there's a human interest angle:
    • Survivors' experiences
    • Interviews with "joe citizen" who happened to be there and helped however he could - situational heroes
Numbers Numbers
  • Death toll
  • Injury toll
  • Missing toll
  • Talk about "what we don't know"
  • Updates of these numbers (because they were published very early) for quite some time
Preblame Why why why
  • Speculation on causes
  • Interviews with "experts"
  • Goal is to keep the story alive
Blame and Lawsuits Who who who
  • Fingerpointing by politicians
  • Lawsuits by victims/victims' families
  • Lawsuits by government
  • Accused attack accusers, often personal attacks
  • Whining victims on camera, often blaming the government
  • Firings and "resignations"
Smaller scale tragedies often follow the general path if not the specific steps. The case in point is the death of Josh Hancock earlier this year. The media didn't stop its commercials for coverage, and the government blame angle was weak at best, so steps are missing, but the basic flow of the story in the media - yeah, it's here.

Does this bother you any? I think the outcome is that no matter how valiant the efforts of those who served after the tragedy, what we remember is the blame, lawsuits, and inadequacy. That's what we see last.


Posted by: hln at 04:30 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 09, 2007

All Animals Are Equal

But some are, of course, more equal than others.

BEIJING (AP) - Nearly 2,000 officials in central China's Hunan province have been caught breaking China's strict one-child policy, state media reported Sunday.
The rich can afford to pay fines imposed by the government, the article says later.


Posted by: hln at 09:45 AM | Comments (98) | Add Comment
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September 18, 2005

Deutsche Post, Recognize It?

It was Germany's federal post office. But now it's so much more.

I follow this with more interest than most because I've done some work for DHL over the last 5 years, and DHL was loosely affiliated with Deutsche Post until 2 years ago when it became the yellow and red UPS and FedEx competitor whose trucks you now regularly see. (and fully owned by Deutsche Post)

Deutsche Post seeks to purchase Exel, a UK-based company that would (according to the Thursday September 15 print edition of the Wall Street Journal) "double the size of Deutsche Post's logistics operation." Whoa.

Even more interesting, the purchase is rumored to be largely completed in cash. "Deutsche Post, in which the German government still owns 45%, would likely finance the purchase with a combination of cash and stock. The company has no debt, and has liquid assets of more than [pound symbol I'm too lazy took look up the ASCII for]4 billion." Evidently the boys in brown are also at least interested in the bidding, as UPS is, according to this same article, "eager to beef up its international presence."

Whoa. Just whoa. Consider the huge losses DHL has incurred in branding itself - 1.2 billion - and the linked article's out of date. And then figure that its parent company has no debt. Yeah, I'll bet brown has paled to tan, if not publicly. This company's serious.


Posted by: hln at 01:49 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 08, 2005

Katrina, Yet Again

Hey, all you blamers out there who think you know what really happened...

Why don't you just blame me? I'll be the goat, and we can all get back to what really needs to be done: helping people.

(No lawsuits, please. I'm not really to blame, as you might have suspected. Carry on.)

I might be to blame for the hole in Sean Penn's boat, though.


Posted by: hln at 09:28 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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Aid from Mexico

Something about this just warms my heart. Thank you, Mexico.

Carrying water treatment plants and mobile kitchens that can feed 7,000 people daily, the convoy bound for San Antonio is the first Mexican military unit to operate on U.S. soil since 1846.

The first green tractor-trailers, with Mexican flags attached to the tops of their cabs, crossed the international bridge at Laredo at about 8:15 a.m.

The rest of the 45-vehicle convoy was in a staging area on the U.S. side in about 15 minutes.

Posted by: hln at 08:04 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 92 words, total size 1 kb.

September 05, 2005

What I'm Thinking About

In the interest of time and general summary, here's what's on my mind right now:

  1. The politicization of Hurricane Katrina sickens me.
  2. ~65 miles (bike) today and 30+ on Saturday do make me ready to return to nice, quiet, sedentary work tomorrow a.m.
  3. I need to tell you guys the story of 3 flats and zero miles (next)
  4. The book I'm reading - Freddy and Fredericka - is worth sending to every bibiophile you know. (And darned cheap on Amazon, as you can see).
  5. My mother, who is retired, is too busy to read my blog. Isn't that obnoxious! Social butterfly.
  6. Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 comes out September 27th!
  7. And Civilization IV releases on November 14, 2005 (expect Brian's blogging to be light to nonexistent that week)

Posted by: hln at 08:36 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 08, 2005

Ah, Journalism

Bored in the airport and perusing the news. This from the Post-Dispatch's online site just makes me smirk.


May, is; what's the difference in journalism?


Posted by: hln at 07:50 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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July 21, 2005

How Do You Stop a Suicide Bomber?

Is the question I asked Brian this morning on my way out the door to work. We agreed on the answer: you can't.

He had some time to post this morning. I'm certain this question is one a lot of people are either directly or indirectly asking themselves today in wake of London Bombings Part II.

DC officials have a rather silly idea about how to deal with potential suicide bombers in the Metro stations: random backpack searches: Subway riders may face random police checks of their bags under a security measure being considered in the nation's capital, the latest city to look for ways to deter terrorism on rail systems.

No decision has been made on the idea for the city's 106-mile Metrorail system, and the logistics would be difficult. But “it would be another tool in our security toolbox,” says Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein.

All right, class, let's hit the highlights of how this would not work:
  • If the random searches occur in crowded stations or, heaven forfend, crowded trains, what's the difference of detonating the backpack on schedule or when the Metro cop says, "Hey, you!"? Not much to a suicide bomber.
And that's about it entirely. If a person is committed (a strange word, but it fits) enough to take his or her own life with the goal being to kill as many people around him or her, what motivation to stop the process can a third party bring? Chance of getting caught? Not exactly. No cookies for snack tomorrow? I probably shouldn't joke. But there's no perceived punishment in this world (none that civilized people would carry out, anyway) to deter these people.

And then the liberals drone whiny about the liberal-perceived root causes of terror and the far right or just horribly crass folks display more window stickers of the little boy pissing on bin Laden. Because, as Brian says later in his post, they want to DO SOMETHING or blame someone or something theoretical or named.

Technology is only going to make terrorism aspects more and more accessible to interested parties. From tools to coordinate attacks to tools to implement them efficiently and "effectively." The root is easy - misguided perceptions of "reward" or (or combined with) hatred (mostly irrational). I've read my copy of The Sacred Age of Terror from cover to cover.

So how do you stop a suicide bomber? I couldn't tell you. I'm sure all of us can give a good 10 reasons on what NOT to do.

Oh, and anyone in the British media calling the bombers from either set of attacks 'insurgents?' Didn't think so.


Posted by: hln at 12:47 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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July 04, 2005

Out of YOUR Pocket

James Joyner posts about bad writing. Specifically, he posts about productivity lost due to poor writing in public sector jobs. He's quoting from this, an AP source, part of which I will repeat.

States spend nearly a quarter of a billion dollars a year on remedial writing instruction for their employees, according to a new report that says the indirect costs of sloppy writing probably hurt taxpayers even more.

The National Commission on Writing, in a report to be released Tuesday, says that good writing skills are at least as important in the public sector as in private industry. Poor writing not only befuddles citizens but also slows down the government as bureaucrats struggle with unclear instructions or have to redo poorly written work.
Wow, but not really.

I think this is going to lapse into anecdote, so the rest will be in the extended section.


Posted by: hln at 03:35 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 21, 2004

Local Drama

Yesterday in the St. Louis metro suburb of East St. Louis, a 19 year-old woman named Katie Wolfmeyer was acquitted in the Mike Danton (Blues hockey player) murder-for-hire debacle. Jurors stated they couldn't find enough evidence to convict. (Article.)

This post is only barely about that. Rather, a quote from the formerly accused's father really rubbed me the wrong way.

Pat Wolfmeyer, the defendant's father, said of the FBI, "I think they set that little girl up. They got in too deep and couldn't get out."
"That little girl." Of his own daughter? I hope this is a misquote or in some strange context because this bothers me on two levels.

1) It's completely detached. You'd think there'd be some emotion. The words "that little girl" wouldn't be the first choice to refer to your offspring.

2) Especially your NINETEEN YEAR-OLD offspring. What is the deal with calling a grown woman a little girl? She's not a lamb; she's not a kitten. She's an adult female. She was certainly tried as an adult. If you think your child is a "little girl" at 19, how do you believe she'll ever be ready for the day-to-day travails of society otherwise known as adulthood?

This has been one of the weirdest cases to hit the area since I've lived here. Obviously lots of information has made it into the newspaper since the case is high profile and therefore frenzied. Probably won't end here - Danton, who pleaded guilty earlier, is sentenced next month.


Posted by: hln at 08:21 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 09, 2004

PeopleSoft, a Food Pellet

Oracle has the "okay" to munch PeopleSoft, if PS shareholders agree. And why wouldn't they? Oracle's a big timer.

Info at Yahoo.


Posted by: hln at 09:44 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 06, 2004


Yellow's not just for Livestrong.

Yellow is the crux of this article, a piece about a company that manufactures synthetic urine.

I was hooked on the first paragraph, asking myself the question, "why would a company do that?" Well...

While the business plan might induce stifled giggles, synthetic urine is a serious matter in the laboratory industry.

Researchers, drug-testing labs and other institutions buy thousands of gallons of the real stuff, mostly to calibrate the equipment used to test regular urine samples for drugs or other substances. Researchers periodically check the accuracy of their equipment by introducing samples that have been intentionally spiked with chemicals.

But human urine has its limitations.

It's unstable, decaying rapidly if not kept refrigerated and must be frozen when shipped. It can smell, it foams and donors must be screened carefully for drug use or disease. Also, different body chemistry guarantees that no two people's urine is exactly alike, an irritation for researchers who rely on consistency.

In the end, a fully synthetic urine has remained a laudable goal in scientific circles.
Urine SPOILS? Does that make it smell better? You can tell I'm not much of a biologist.

The name of the synthetic? Surine.


Posted by: hln at 08:05 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 05, 2004

Tigger, Registered Sex Offender?

How do you define molested? Somehow this isn't my definition.

ORLANDO, Florida (AP) -- A 13-year-old girl testified Monday that a Walt Disney World worker dressed as the beloved character Tigger fondled her breast while she posed for a photo with him and her mother.

"I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say," the girl said during the first day of Michael Chartrand's trial on battery and lewd and lascivious molestation charges.

Earlier Monday, Chartrand, 36, rejected a plea deal that would have spared him prison time if convicted.

Prosecutor William Jay offered Chartrand one year of probation and 50 hours of community service if he accepted the plea agreement for misdemeanor battery. Under the terms, Chartrand also would have been banned from theme parks and required to undergo a psychosexual evaluation.

"He didn't do it," said Jeffrey Kaufman, Chartrand's attorney. "We're going to fight it."

Chartrand now could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted.
Certainly sounds like the judge thinks he did it. Whyowhy, though, I ask you? The dude's in costume - it's not like he's going to get some sort of major pleasure out of the sensation. Also seems to lead to maybe not even noticing at all - maybe the 13 year-old was especially pert and he was accustomed to the spot being safe because girls are saggier these days - I dunno. I've had my boobs elbowed, backed into, etc., from pure accident. I'd guess most women have.

Would you risk 15 years of prison versus no prison time if you were guilty?

The article later goes on to state that Chartrand isn't the park's only Tigger. I smell money.

Jurors will have access to a Tigger costume.

P.S. Don't wait a day to blog. Tigger was acquitted!


Posted by: hln at 12:29 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 09, 2004

60 Million Dollar Feel-Good Bill

Oregon Republican Gordon Smith took the floor to introduce a youth suicide prevention bill named after his own dead son. "He saw only despair ahead and felt only pain in his present. Pain and despair so potent that he sought suicide as a release. As a release," Smith said, recalling his son Garrett, who killed himself in his college apartment last September, one day before his 22nd birthday. Smith recalled a "beautiful child, a handsome baby boy" that he and his wife Sharon adopted a few days after birth. He had vast intellectual gifts but struggled with learning disabilities, dyslexia, and bipolar disorder, sometimes called manic depression, Smith said.

That's from this article.

A few paragraphs later:

Endorsing Smith's $60 million bill, Nickles said, "I have no doubt as a result of us passing this legislation, we'll end up saving a lot of lives, maybe thousands of lives." The bill would help states develop prevention strategies and fund more mental health services on college campuses.

More than 30,000 Americans kill themselves each year and suicide is the third-leading cause of death for people aged 10-24.
Youth has now been extended to 24. If this bill passes, that is.

Brian had something to say about that earlier this week - the American concept of "youth" and the lack of push for adolescents to mature. I think it was in the comments over at Michael Williams' site. While available counseling for the troubled during the busy and stressful time of college is definitely a good idea, why should Joe and Joan American citizen need to pay an additional $60 mil for that. Start a foundation, Senator. Hold charity events. I'm sure your grief is real and this is your cause du jour, but, geez.


Posted by: hln at 12:40 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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June 15, 2004

The Female of the Species is More Deadly Than the Male?

Don't disrespect the sisters.

I would've expected an article about fighting tendencies and girls/young adults to be about hair pulling. Not quite what this one says.

For both girls and boys, the most common reason for a fight was teasing or "being disrespected." In contrast to incidents between boys, clashes between girls were more often a recurrence of a previous fight.

Compared to boys, violence among girls was more likely to occur at home and it was more likely a family member would intervene to stop the violence.

The study also found weapons were present more often in incidents involving at least one girl and that girls were more likely than boys to be injured by a weapon, especially blunt objects such as sticks or rocks.
I've never fought anyone - never had to, kind of a peacekeeping type anyway. Well, okay, except for insulting perfect strangers for their behavior that might damage my person (like those idiots who smoke right next to the gas pump...perfect example). Still, no real altercations. I'm trying to imagine angering someone so much that a full-on fight would ensue. Not bad in my 8-14 year-old period of life. Worst that happened was a bunch of girls calling me a bitch at recess in the 5th grade. I got over it.

Any violence issues for you guys during that time period?


Posted by: hln at 07:42 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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May 24, 2004

Service Dogs and Schools

Victor sent me this link - a newspaper article from my hometown Springfield News-Leader about a young woman with chronic hip displasia who is not allowed to bring her specially trained service dog to school.

The girl's mother believes that the school's refusal to accommodate Karen's condition is in violation with the Americans With Disabilities Act. I tend to agree. Here's why.

1) Service dogs are not disallowed in this school. Animals are not disallowed in this school. The article makes both of these points.

2) Although the article does not mentioned how the dog, Zeus, was obtained, a sidebar contains an interview with a professional service dog trainer. I'm going to go ahead and make the leap that Zeus is appropriately trained and that the organization that oversaw his training found him to be a good match to aid the young lady's condition.

3) The law. I'll just quote the section of the article.

Under Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act, any public entity — which includes schools — is guilty of discrimination if it does not make reasonable accommodations for the needs of the disabled.

The law's provisions include permitting a person to be accommodated by an assistance animal, which is defined as "any guide dog, signal dog or other animal individually trained to work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items."

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a school would be in violation if it had a blanket policy restricting students from using necessary methods to aid with their disability, said Cecilia Callahan, director of advocacy for Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services, a watchdog group based in Jefferson City.

Klatt said the school does not have a policy prohibiting animals from being brought onto district property.

If no such policy exists, an accommodation plan must be constructed, ensuring that students with disabilities have the same access to a quality education as other students, Callahan said.

Another law that may apply is the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination by a school district because a student is disabled. According to the federal act, disabled students are defined as those who have a "physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities such as walking, learning, hearing, caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, speaking and breathing."

Michael Jungers, an assistant dean of students at Southwest Missouri State University, oversees the university's office for disability services. He said if a case like Karen's arose at the university level, officials would confer with the physician to determine whether a student was qualified to use a service animal.

If school officials agreed such an animal was needed, it would be permitted to be used in all aspects of university life, Jungers said.

"The law would pretty much apply at the elementary and secondary levels," he said.
Karen's case isn't very clear cut. I'm fairly sure that if she were visually impaired, this would be a non-issue. The school's response seems knee-jerk - as if the dog would disrupt school, but I doubt that would be the case for more than a day.

One last thing - one of my favorite childhood books was about a boy who was injured with a firecracker and lost his sight. Follow My Leader - worth checking out.


Posted by: hln at 12:29 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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May 11, 2004

GMO Wheat Postponed

Roundup Ready wheat is in a holding pattern.

St. Louis-based Monsanto has been doing field tests of Roundup Ready wheat, which has been genetically modified to tolerate applications of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, for six years and spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the project.

The company already has successfully commercialized Roundup Ready corn and soybeans, key feedgrains, and had hoped to spread its herbicide-resistant technology into the vast wheat-growing industry, starting in the United States and Canadian markets.

But the company's efforts have ignited an outpouring of opposition by environmentalists, farmers, consumers and religious groups, as well as foreign wheat buyers. Concerns include worries about possible human health hazards, increased weed resistance and fears that Monsanto is gaining control over key world crops.
It's an instance of of what the market will bear (which is good) driven by the perceived (and probably likely so) lack of demand by foreign countries. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know here.

What materials do Europeans and Asians use to form opinions about biotechnology? The Canadian Wheat Board is administering an ad campaign to oppose GMO wheat. I see packaging on some of the foods that I eat that proclaims said products to be GMO free. No print ads, though, and nothign in the limited television I watch. Suppose I should wait for the GMO-bashing pop-under ad. And then Brian can mock it.

Wait...I know why it's far less of an issue here. Nobody eats wheat anymore. But that soy...


Posted by: hln at 06:30 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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April 06, 2004

This is Gonna Be Way Freaky

Brian caught me reading the latest print copy of Reason (May's - the one about pornography) and pointed me to the Hit & Run proclamation that the next issue will include a bunch of our personal information, including a picture of our house, within its pages.

He wasn't kidding.

Most subscribers will receive an issue that features four cover pages of intensely personalized information, a demonstration of bleeding-edge technology that may one day allow for mass-customized and hyper-individualized print publications (btw, pace the Times' headline, our monthly print circulation totals about 55,000).
I would think this would be prohibitively expensive, but obviously not. Reason's not exactly what comes to mind with the words Big Budget.

Looking forward to this one.


Posted by: hln at 06:42 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 26, 2004

Fetus. Defined.

In light of the Senate's passage of the Fetus Protection Bill, I would like to define the word "fetus" in this short entry.

First, the dictionary.

1. The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.

2. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.
Eight weeks - didn't know that. When's the embryo law coming?

I shouldn't be so snarky, being one of those people who believes that life begins at conception. But I can't help it. Here's why.
  • Abortion is legal. A mother can terminate the life of her fetus (or embryo) at any time until the law considers the pregnancy to be at a state that an abortion of same pregnancy would be considered a "partial birth."
  • Anyone else bothers that fetus, knowing about its existence or not, whammo! Your crime's been doubleminted.
So, to mother - fetus isn't a human. To everyone else, it has "rights." Come again?

Oh, one other observation. Name a fetus, it becomes a human. The name "Conner" ring a bell? Perhaps the pro-life ralliers should carry around signs with pictures of fetii with attached baby names. Stronger message than "She's a child, not a choice."

I've seen Silent Scream, by the way. (Website seems to have some issues).


Posted by: hln at 07:29 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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